Workshop Space for Hire
Flexible Room Hire Options:
Hire this amazing space
For workshops, presentations or Seminars. Space hire from as little as three hour slot to multiple days and/or weekends as required. The room may be booked over a weekend or a full week. if you wish to run scheduled weekly workshops or just a one off booking- call me directly to discuss your needs. Ph.0411849587
Climate controlled room, WiFi or direct LAN internet access. Presentation Monitor, Bluetooth compatible Stereo system, 18 Chairs, Two Large 8+ seater foldable tables. there are two natural sky lights that can be completely blocked if you require complete darkness. A Kitchenette with Fridge, microwave and sink. There are two rest rooms, and even a rear external Court-Yard with seating. Fully renovated, fresh, clean and pleasant environment to make your next event an unforgetable experience.
Workshop Space for Hire
Three hour slots, daily hire, multiple days, weekends hire and ongoing scheduled options are also available
Hire this amazing space
For workshops, presentations or Seminars. Space hire from as little as three hour slot to multiple days and/or weekends as required. The room may be booked over a weekend or a full week. if you wish to run scheduled weekly workshops or just have a one off booking- call me directly to discuss your needs.
Climate controlled room, WiFi or direct LAN internet access. Presentation Monitor, Bluetooth compatible Stereo system, 18 Chairs, Two Large 8+ seater foldable tables. there are two natural sky lights that can be completely covered should you require complete darkness. A Kitchenette with fridge, microwave and sink. There are two rest rooms, and an external Court-Yard with seating. Fully renovated, fresh, clean and pleasant environment to make your next event an unforgettable experience.
Improve your Grades
- Create positive associations with different learning streams
- Enhance Memory and recall with successful strategies
- remove obsticles and negative learning associations
- Increase motivation and create better outcomes
- Positively create your every-day, stand in your power
Build Confidence (Step up to a new level)
- Remove all emotional blocks around learning
- Eliminate negative self-talk and resolve internal conflicts
- Silent fears, create positive internal drivers to improving education
- Resolve outmoded beliefs. Enhance learning and time management
- Re-discover your true potential and fully unleash your inner power
Fulfil your true potential. Achieve excellence
- Find clarity and focus, redefine your focus and goals
- With renewed inspiration, ignite your drive and shine
- Live up to your own moral code. Discover & realign your values
- Define and set achievable goals, be driven by them and achieve
- Easily and effortlessly make the transition to become all that you can be on all aspects of your life.
Learning and Education Breakthrough Coaching sessions involve just a few sessions of intervention over just 2-3 weeks. Suitable for school-aged children, university students, mature age and older returning students. The session commence with a detailed personal history, followed by extensive and decisive techniques that remove limiting and inhibiting traits. New strategies are taught that enable you to find learning and studying a more enjoyable, empowering and rewarding experience. You will find that you can challenge yourself and develop a sense of curiosity more easily than you thought possible.
Powerful techniques such as NLP coaching, Time_Line Techniques, New strategies, Hypnotherapy are all combined in a unique way to move you forward in any life area where there is a lack. Coaching helps remove any substantial internal and unconscious blocks, internal conflicts and limiting beliefs that stand in your way to achieving your true goals. Surprise yourself, excel, and learn to function through excellence. Nothing can stand in your way.
Relationship Coaching
- Release old emotional hurts and make room for your significant other fully
- Reconnect with the inner you, understand your partner and reignite connection
- Regain self confidence, remove the negative unconscious processes
- Take learnings from the past, effectively reconnect with each other in a new way
Understanding each others in a new way
- Learn each other’s communication and listening styles
- Learn to communicate effectively to the another’s model of the world
- Understand ‘filters’, comprehend your differences and communicate effectively
- Realign your values for a deeper connection, create congruence in your relashionship
Let the relationship bring the very best out of you
- Individualised and joint couple sessions maximise results
- Understand and nurture your mutual needs to greatly improve your life.
- Uncover, empower and align your personal values for better synergy
- Achieve mutual goals successfully by using powerful goal-setting techniques
Relationship Breakthrough sessions involve 10-12 hours (ie. 5-6 2-hour sessions over 3-4 weeks). This intervention begin with gathering detailed personal history from both of you. The firts and last sessions are a couples session, the rest of the sessions are individualised- one on one sessions with your life coach. Different techniques are used to create new strategies and understandings that enable you both to realign your communication styles and understand each others model of the world.
Time line techniques are used initially to release the past and empower your future. NLP coaching techniques and Hypnotherapy are blended in a unique way to help you to eliminate any substantial blocks, internal conflicts, and unresolved issues from your past and/or present relationship.
Personal values are held in one’s unconscious mind by personal beliefs. Identifying your true values and their hierarchy important. When both your values are aligned profound resonance naturally takes place each other. Grow individually and together to bring new life and meaningful depth to your current relationship. This will undoubtedly filter through to all your other connections in your life from family to friends. Make the change today, sow the seeds today for the flourishing of your every day.
Career Coaching
- Find True inspiration and renewed drive at work
- Refine your strengths and eliminate blocks that inhibit growth.
- Create clarity – Remove outmoded internal conflicts & self limiting doubts.
- Make business decisions confidently, congruently and decisively
- Learn effective & powerful negotiation strategies, become more influential
Confidence Building (personal and professional)
- Remove negative emotions and limiting self-talk; make a positive change
- Effectively leap ahead with projects, stay focused and deliver excellence
- Understand personality types, create group synergy & lead effectively
- Understand your clients’ motivations. Increase sales and raise profits
Better yourself, fast-track your career and/or business
- Work with your team effectively, grow beyond limiting personal conflicts
- Become more focused, take necessary steps to raise the team upwards
- Resolve conflicts, harness true potential, function with personal power
- Uncover and align your inner values in business and in life for better balance
- Set and achieve your goals, grow your business now
A Career Breakthrough sessions, only require a few hours of face-to-face consultations (ie. 4-5, 2hr Sessions over a 3 week period). It begins with gathering of a detailed personal history, followed by a wide variety of techniques that guide you through a significant and effective emotional realignment process. Powerful, quick and life changing processes. It involves shedding of old internal conflicts and limiting processes that get in your way, clearing your path to enable true and lasting change.
Increase your motivation, create new and effective strategies, align your values, so you are congruent, clear and with a profound sense of self-awareness that ultimately enables you to achieve your goals in a fulfilling and inspired way. Become naturally driven, inspired and with a renewed sense of self that enables you to function way outside the limiting square.
Live, work and play is a powerful and impassioned way.
What More Can Hypnosis Help with?
- Mindfulness
- Memory
- Concentration
- Insomnia
- Public Speaking
- Panic attacks
- Phobias
- Eliminate Anxiety
- Nervousness
- Exam Stress
- Anger Management
- Enhance Focus
- Build Motivation
- Achieving Goals
- Behavioural Change
What Is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a totally natural state, similar to that place between being asleep and wake. It is a state that you choose to attain with basic guidance from your therapist.
Anybody who can follow basic instructions can be hypnotised. Hypnosis is an incredibly relaxing, and a very enjoyable state to be in, a state you’d want to linger in for a while.
Hypnosis is totally safe and a wonderful way to make subtle and powerful changes in the unconscious level of the mind. The unconscious is the place where behaviour manifests.
Treating at this level enables real change to take place, as it is the seat of the mind.
How would you like to change a few outmoded, distructive habits for new useful ones?
During Hypnosis
- You are always In control
- You’re in a completely natural state
- No one can control your mind
- No one can read your mind
- All hypnosis, is self hypnosis!
Registered practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Personalised expert carefor your mind.
Balance Method, TUNG acupuncture & TCM styles.
Traditional Chinese Medicinal Herbs.
Offering a personalised approach to manual therapy.
Neuro-Linguistic Programming. Overcome emotional obstacles, live a better life.

Dr. Ehud Udi Tal
Registered Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine
MAppSc.(Herbal), BHlthSc.(Acup), Dip.M (Remedial Massage Therapist), AHPRA & CMBA Registered, ATMS Member. Master practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Master Hypnotist, Certification, Training.

Back Pain & Sciatica
Sciatica, sport related pain, general pain management and sacral realignment.

Migraine, cluster headaches, tension headache and whiplash.

Anxiety & Stress
Emotional distress, herbal support (depression & anxiety), NLP and hypnotherapy.

Women Issues
PMS, amenorrhoea, , painful periods, PCOS, fertility support, obstetric support, morning sickness and menopausal syndrome.

Chronic Pain
Bone, muscle & nerve pain, carpal tunnel, neck pain, fibromyalgia, spinal issues & stiffness, arthritis and joint pain.

Sport Injuries
General sport injuries, strains, post fracture and bone healing.